Going back to the top of the shipping page is Shipping Methods. There is an Add Shipping Method at the bottom of the section which brings you to a new screen. There are three screens of info to answer then it goes back to the shipping method screen

Click on the method you made and goes to the screen below. You can give it a name, note on the method, auto or manual

Next is the shipping chart. The Courier API is wrong so don’t use. You will have to make your own or charge a flat rate. What it can’t do is calculate zone and weight. With Instant Checkout you can only charge a flat rate.

Next is Discounts and Insurance. Remember insurance is for you and not the buyer. If the order doesn’t show up, PayPal will refund the order from your account. I have very few buyers actually pay for insurance because of this. I insure orders over $50 myself to be safe.

You can add tracking and handling fees. For PayPal Seller Protection, you need to have a tracking number. The buyer is probably not going to pay for this either so you should buy tracking and insurance for any order you can’t afford to lose.

And there is more. You can set up package dimensions. At the bottom you can add a weight margin. I have 10% added to weight and dimension and .5 oz added to weight. The Instant Checkout isn’t exact and you will have to play around with these to get it right. The way that you know it isn’t right is that you have to pay more for shipping than what the buyer was charged.

It is just that simple to set up a shipping method. It isn’t that easy. It is the most difficult part of setting up your store initially. Also very important since buyers can’t checkout of the store without it.