Frequently Asked About Parts

There are always those pieces that you come across when sorting that you can’t figure out what they are. Most pieces have a number on it but the numbers are very small on most pieces. You can use the magnifier in the accessibility options on your iPhone. That is what I do. This page will feature some of the most asked about and hard to figure out pieces. I will keep adding to this when I come across more. Click on the item number and you will go to the catalog listing for the piece on Bricklink.



This is one of the most asked pieces that you can come across while sorting. It is a bezel from a watch but it is listed in the Gear category.



This isn’t really a piece. This is part of the container that the Bionicle Bohroks came in. It clipped onto the Bohrok so it could hang in the container.



This is also from the Bohrok but it is a piece from the Bohrok and not the container.



The 9v Micromotor isn’t used anymore but you might find the pulley that attaches to the motor.



This one was last in a set from 1980 so you might not run into one.



A piece that looks similar to the one above was still in use in 2016.



This actually a hinge from the old Samsonite sets. Even though it is old, I run into this one often.



This piece has changed categories on Bricklink. Being now a minifig part doesn’t make it easier to find.



This is listed in the general Technic category. It can be hard to find since it has never been in a Technic set



This looks like a soft tip from a throwing dart. It is smaller than those but this one is a minifigure weapon


This is a piece that falls off an old 4.5V motor. If you click on the above link you can see the 2 metal tubes on the end. This goes underneath. This part isn’t listed on Bricklink since it isn’t supposed to come off.

Minifigure Leg Assemblies

Finding the leg assemblies among all the legs that have print on them is a challenge. You may have a set of legs that you can’t find. Some of that could be because someone made their own color combination. Only combinations that are from minifigures are in the catalog. If you have a set of black legs with green hips, this combination has never been in a set. Here are the separate pieces that make up the assembly.




To find the complete assembly, you look them up by leg color. If you want to see what hip colors are available click on the item number and look under Known Colors. You will see that there are custom listings of the leg assemblies that haven’t been from minifigures. I only list the official ones.

970c00 Hips and Legs (Same Color) STORE AVAILABILITY

970c11 Hips and Black Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c07 Hips and Blue Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c36 Hips and Bright Green Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c110 Hips and Bright Light Orange Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c08 Hips and Brown Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c63 Hips and Dark Blue Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c85 Hips and Dark Bluish Gray Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c10 Hips and Dark Gray Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c80 Hips and Dark Green Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c68 Hips and Dark Orange Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c89 Hips and Dark Purple Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c59 Hips and Dark Red Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c69 Hips and Dark Tan Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c06 Hips and Green Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c86 Hips and Light Bluish Gray Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c90 Hips and Light Nougat Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c09 Hips and Light Gray Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c34 Hips and Lime Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c42 Hips and Medium Blue Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c157 Hips and Medium Lavender Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c155 Hips and Olive Green Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c04 Hips and Orange Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c05 Hips and Red Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c88 Hips and Reddish Brown Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c55 Hips and Sand Blue Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c48 Hips and Sand Green Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c87 Hips and Sky Blue Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c02 Hips and Tan Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c43 Hips and Violet Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c01 Hips and White Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c03 Hips and Yellow Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

Buying on Bricklink is the best place to find new and used LEGO building parts sets and minifigs.   Whether you are looking for a piece that is lost for a set or making your own creation Bricklink is the place to go.  I found Bricklink in 2002 because I was looking for pieces that I had lost for some Classic Space sets. was one of the first sites I found that I could buy random pieces but that site is no longer with us.  Bricklink was the next one that I found and it was great.  I didn’t have to buy a set to just get the few pieces that I wanted.  From that moment I was hooked.  Using the site for a long time it is easy to use.  For new users it can be tricky.

When you are on a Bricklink page there are the three color circles near the top right.  Market, Studio and Community.  These did change recently.  Market is where the pieces are at.  Studio is Bricklink’s computer building program. Community is where the forums and help is at.  Hovering over Market shows the above screen.  Catalog on the left and Stores on the right.  Under Catalog you can click on one of the types.  I am clicking on Parts.

You get a list of all the part categories on Bricklink.  There are more than shown here.  One of the things that got me when starting to use Bricklink is what I called the piece wasn’t want Bricklink calls the piece.  This can vary to what The LEGO Company calls the piece.  You can explore the different categories to see what pieces are there.  

Also at anytime the top of every page is a search bar.  Most pieces have a number on them and you can search for the number.  The numbers are very small.  If you have an iPhone in the settings under Accessibility there is a Magnifier option.  Once enabled if you click the home button it opens and you can zoom in on the number on the piece.  It is easier than just using the camera to do the same thing.  Don’t know how to activate it on the newer phones that don’t have a home button.

I clicked on the Brick category.  It brings up the list of bricks.  You might call every piece a brick but these are just rectangular pieces with no holes or slopes.  I am looking for 1×1 bricks.  I can click the 3005 and will open a new page.  Under that listing you can see the other versions of this piece.  These are older ones that are no longer produced and have differences from the normal 3005.

There is a lot of info on this page.  You can see all the sets that this part as appeared in.  You can see the Related Items which is the different variations of this piece.  There is also Items For Sale, Color Info and Price Guide.  This is where how I buy differs from most buyers.  I find the stores and prices from the Color Info page.  

From here you can see Lots For Sale, Wanted Lists, Price Guide and Known Colors.  More info than the other tabs but the other tabs take you straight to that section.  Here I can see if it is a known color.  The number next to the color is how many sets it appears in.  I click on the Price Guide Info for the Dark Bluish Gray.

There is the Last 6 Month Sales to show what the piece has sold for.  Current Items For Sale is what is currently available for New and Used pieces.  New pieces are pieces taken directly from a new set.  These pieces haven’t been used in any way.  The pieces from the Pick-a-Brick wall at a LEGO store also qualify as new.  Used pieces are everything else.  Most sellers won’t sell pieces that have too many scratches, bite marks or discolored.  There will be some scratches but sellers shouldn’t never sell pieces with discoloring or bite marks.  But that can be in the description of the piece.  So read the description once you click on one of the green squares.  The red ones are stores that don’t ship to your country.

It will take you to a store and will show you the quantity and price.  Select how many you want and click Add Items to Cart.  Is this the easiest way to buy?  It can be if you are looking for just a couple of pieces. In the picture you can see the red heart. This means it is on my wanted list. If you need a lot of different pieces then you need to make a Wanted List.

Buying With Wanted Lists

Looking up every piece separately to buy on Bricklink will take some time.  If you are looking for a lot of pieces you probably won’t find all the pieces in one store.  Create a Wanted List will make things easier.

Going back to the 1×1 brick can see My Wanted List has a (2) after it.  That means it is on my wanted list.  Below that is Add to My Wanted List.  I can add this piece to an existing or new wanted list.

Clicking on Add to My Wanted List brings up this screen.  I can select the quantity, color, and condition.  I can set a max price and choose if I want to be notified when someone adds this piece to their store.  Except for some rare pieces, I have the notifications turned off otherwise you will get emails all day long.  On the left is the names of my wanted lists so you can have a list by project or use the Default Wanted List.  Now go find a store to fill your lists.  I found the store Recycled Brick.  Of course.

Once in a store go to the Shop tab and below is Wanted List.  It will show everything in that store that is on your lists.  On the left is a list of all the  wanted lists.  You can select and deselect which ones you want to see which pieces are available.  You can add the ones that you want to the cart and checkout.

Along the top of the page on the right you will see a heart with a Want under it.  This is a quick way to get to your wanted lists.  Click there will take you to a new screen.

Here you can see the list of your wanted lists and an Easy Buy option.  You can use this to find stores that have the most pieces to fill that list.  My default list has 10 items in it.  When I click Easy Buy it will search to find the least amount of stores to complete that list.  There may be no stores that have all the pieces so it could make multiple carts

Here it is finding the stores that can fulfill the list.  It will give you a list from this screen and below it is a button that says Create Carts.  Once you do that it will make shopping carts in the stores that have those pieces.  Or you can from the Wanted List page use the Auto-Select button.

After creating the cart you will go here. All your active store carts will be here. You can select View Cart.

Now you can hit Proceed to Checkout.  With Easy Buy, you can’t deselect international stores.  It looks at price and shipping costs and supposedly gives you the best price.  I don’t know if it does.  In my example I made a cart that had all the pieces in my store. You probably won’t find everything in one store. I usually find the store that has the rarest or most unique piece on my wanted list and then see how much that store has on the wanted list from within the store. Easy Buy is easy but I don’t want to buy 10 pieces from 10 different stores.

Buying With Wanted Lists – My Way

You can use Easy Buy with a Wanted List. Probably most buyers do. I don’t buy this way. I want to buy from the least amount of stores. Easy Buy looks at the best pricing and shipping. I would pay a few cents more for a piece if I could get it from one store. This is how I buy pieces

From the top of the screen I go to the Wanted List.

Going to this screen I will click on the Wanted List I want to buy from instead of clicking on Easy Buy

I will select one of the more unique items from the list. I am going to choose Electric Guitar. If you click on the item number 17356pb04, it will take you to the catalog page for the piece.

Under Price Guide Info there is a list of colors. This one only has one color.

Under Current Items for Sale I can look for the quantity I am look for under the New and Used columns. The red squares means the seller doesn’t ship to me. The “~” before the price means that price has been converted to USD. The seller is located in a different country. If I click on a green square it will take you to a store. From here you can’t see what store it is.

You will go to the listing for the guitar. If you click on Wanted List it will show what pieces this store has on your wanted list. This store only has 4 out of 10 items from the list. Now I can either add the items to the cart or I can go back and try another store.

If you are trying to build a set from scratch Easy Buy would be easier. I am usually looking for a few, select pieces at a time and usually in large quantities. This way works for me for how I buy on Bricklink. Either way, once the pieces are in the cart you can proceed to Checkout.

Buying With Coupons

Coupons.  A seller may send you a coupon.  A coupon on Bricklink only can be used on a future order.  Where do you use it?  Since Bricklink hasn’t added the discounts for Instant Checkout that I want, I have been sending out coupons instead.  I have noticed that a returning buyers aren’t using the coupons they have been sent but are coming back and placing orders.  Here is where you can find to use them.

Clicking on the Coupon in Open Status will take you to My Coupons. All your open coupons will be here. The coupons do expire. The maximum expiration is a year. Most sellers issue them for 1-3 months.

If your coupon expires, you can try to contact the seller to see if they will reissue it. Some will issue them for special events or won’t reissue them. Don’t be surprised if they don’t. As a buyer I rarely use coupons. Since most sellers issue them for a short amount of time, their store won’t have anything else that I need in the time the coupon is good for. The coupons that I issue last for a year. If it expires, contact me and I will reissue it.  If you ask me on Bricklink or send me your Bricklink user name, I will send you a 10% off coupon on all items on your next order if you mention this post. Time to checkout and I will mention how to apply the coupon.

Buying A Reserved Item

You might be looking for a specific item and a seller says they have it and will reserve it for you. What does it mean and how do you find it? Once an item is reserved for you, no one else can buy it. It is handy to have an item reserved especially if it is rare or sought after and might get bought before you can get to it.

On your My BL page, you will see that there is now a Reserved Items section that isn’t normally there. When you click on it, will take you to the next screen.

This screen lists the stores that have items reserved for you. Shows how many items are reserved for you and if the store has a minimum buy. If you click on the store name you will go to that store.

It will take you directly to the item that is reserved for you. In the upper corner below the cart shows that there is 1 item reserved. If you like the price, you can add it to the cart and go through the checkout process. The item is not automatically added to your cart.

Also on the My BL tab when you hover over it you can see that there is a lot reserved for you. I have reserved items for buyers but as a buyer I have never used it. You might not either but if you do now you can find the item that is reserved for you.

Checking Out On Bricklink

Using either method of Buying With A Wanted List, the cart has been made.  Near the upper right of the page there is a shopping cart.

That will take you to this screen. Clicking on View Cart will take you inside the cart.

Or if you are in the store you can click on the Cart and get to the same place.

There will be all the parts in your cart.  You can make changes here.

On the right there is Item Total: the price of the parts.  Shipping & Handling: the cost of shipping might be here and might not be depending on the store.  Order Total:  This along with the shipping might say TBD, To Be Determined and you will find out more after you click on Proceed to Checkout.

Step 1:  Store Terms and Conditions.  You should always read these.  Some are laid out nicely and easy to read like the one above and some are a jumbled mess.  Either way you will get all the info about the store’s rules.  Shipping time, fees, condition of pieces and more.  You can see this before you check out from the tabs on the store page.  It is easier to read these before making a cart because you might find the stores as some odd fees.  My store has no fees.  Once you are done reading click Agree and Continue.

Step 2: Payment.  This is where you select your payment.  My store has Stripe where you can use a Credit/Debit card and don’t have to have an account with.  PayPal, where you can have an account and use your balance or a card.   The “Onsite” after PayPal means that once you are done with the steps you can pay from Bricklink.  Some stores don’t offer Onsite Payments.  Stripe is an Onsite payment.  Select and click on Select and Continue.

Before going to the next step, on the bottom left is the place where you select to use the coupon. It will only show up if you have an active one in the store. Selecting the coupon the order summary will show the discount. You don’t have to use the coupon.

Step 3: Shipping. These will be different from store to store.  If it says Checkout or Instant Checkout and there is a lightning bolt after the store is set up with prices for shipping and you can pay instantly.  If it says Invoice, you will receive an invoice from the store.  Don’t pay until an invoice shows up.  Once the shipping option you want is selected click Checkout.  There can be Request A Quote at this point where you can get a shipping quote and click that doesn’t make an order. Clicking on Place Order will create the order and take you to a confirmation screen.

Using an Instant Checkout option you will be sent to Stripe or PayPal and you can pay for the order and it is done. If there is a Manual Invoice option the buyer will send you an invoice with the shipping cost included.  The biggest problem with Instant Checkout not all the USPS shipping bands can be used.  Regular Priority, Regional Priority and end of January 2019 will also be First Class.  The Instant Checkout only can do a flat fee shipping.  When it is weight and zone Instant Checkout can’t be used.  First Class is going to zone as well so if Bricklink doesn’t update the Instant Checkout abilities it won’t be useable for sellers.

You can see your orders from the My BL tab and then Orders. The seller will ship according to their store terms.  The seller will send an email through Bricklink and can have the tracking number if the seller provides one.  Below is where you can see that on an order.

You can see the tracking number in the lower right corner.  Once it arrives and everything looks good you can leave feedback for the seller.  The seller will sometimes leave feedback right away or wait until the buyer leaves it. Wait for the order to arrive and then start building with those parts.

Selling On Bricklink Overview

I had so many pieces in my own collection that I never was going to use so I became a seller on.  I won’t go over the steps to become a seller since these are on Bricklink.  Once you are approved to be a seller you will notice that you have more options available to you.

You will now see that you have a My Store tab next to the My BL tab.  From here you can see the Sales column with Orders, Products column with Inventory and then the Account column that has settings.  Clicking on Orders will take you to this screen below. 

As a new seller you won’t have any orders yet.  Each line has the Order ID, Buyer info which I blocked out, Shipping and Grand Total.  The Order status can be manually changed but is automatically changed to Paid with Instant Checkout.

The My Inventory screen is one of the main screens you will see if you are selling.  Here it lists everything that you have in your inventory but all might not be in your store.  Sets, Parts, Minifigs, Instructions and Gear are the main master categories that you will use.  You can see the quantity of each category and the lot count.

I became a seller many years before I actually sold anything.  I was familiar with all the areas and menus before I did start to sell.  The best way is to browse around on the menus and areas that are available to sellers.  I kept my store closed until I had around 20,000 pieces in my inventory and then I opened it.  You can open your store with 1 piece but I wanted to make sure that I hadn’t made anything mistakes adding parts to inventory.  There are a lot more things to cover, besides adding pieces before you can open for business

Setting Up Your Store: Store Settings

Before opening your store you need pieces in your store.  Before that you need to set your store up.  There is a lot to do here.  Click on the My BL tab and go to the Settings under Account.

This will take you to a new screen.  On the left of the screen there is what is below.  Each one of these you will need to set something up in for your store to work correctly.

Display, Management, Terms, Splash, Shipping, Payments and Message Templates.  I will walkthrough the steps for each one of these headings.  I will only cover the most important parts of each page. There is more on each page to look at but not everything is important to get your store running.