Minifigure Leg Assemblies

Finding the leg assemblies among all the legs that have print on them is a challenge. You may have a set of legs that you can’t find. Some of that could be because someone made their own color combination. Only combinations that are from minifigures are in the catalog. If you have a set of black legs with green hips, this combination has never been in a set. Here are the separate pieces that make up the assembly.




To find the complete assembly, you look them up by leg color. If you want to see what hip colors are available click on the item number and look under Known Colors. You will see that there are custom listings of the leg assemblies that haven’t been from minifigures. I only list the official ones.

970c00 Hips and Legs (Same Color) STORE AVAILABILITY

970c11 Hips and Black Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c07 Hips and Blue Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c36 Hips and Bright Green Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c110 Hips and Bright Light Orange Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c08 Hips and Brown Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c63 Hips and Dark Blue Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c85 Hips and Dark Bluish Gray Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c10 Hips and Dark Gray Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c80 Hips and Dark Green Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c68 Hips and Dark Orange Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c89 Hips and Dark Purple Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c59 Hips and Dark Red Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c69 Hips and Dark Tan Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c06 Hips and Green Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c86 Hips and Light Bluish Gray Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c90 Hips and Light Nougat Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c09 Hips and Light Gray Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c34 Hips and Lime Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c42 Hips and Medium Blue Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c157 Hips and Medium Lavender Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c155 Hips and Olive Green Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c04 Hips and Orange Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c05 Hips and Red Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c88 Hips and Reddish Brown Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c55 Hips and Sand Blue Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c48 Hips and Sand Green Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c87 Hips and Sky Blue Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c02 Hips and Tan Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c43 Hips and Violet Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c01 Hips and White Legs STORE AVAILABILITY

970c03 Hips and Yellow Legs STORE AVAILABILITY