This is an important one. If you don’t have shipping and payment methods buyers won’t be able to check out of your store. The shipping is also on the more difficult side to set up. This is a list of some of my shipping methods. A lightning bolt on the right means it is an Instant Checkout method. The buyer can pay when the order is placed. Anything else is a manual invoice where the seller has to type in the shipping amount and send the invoice out.

Then there is the policy you will make for shipping. This is displayed below your terms in your store. I do have a rate chart for Instant Checkout and for manual Invoice. Here you will put your shipping days and everything else relevant for shipping. Mine says I ship Monday-Friday. I do ship Saturday morning but it is easier to not advertise that in case I have to be gone for the weekend and explain why I didn’t ship their order Saturday.

To set up a shipping method needs its own page. Go to Setting Up Your Store: Shipping Method to see how to do that.