The first heading is Display and is defaulted to when you open up Settings. The first part is your store name. It doesn’t have to be the same as your user name. The store name that you may want might be used. Come up with something creative and not just put an ‘S’ after Recycled Brick. You can have a slogan, a logo and what colors your store will be in.

Next is the Announcements and Banner. These will appear in the store for buyers to see. I use them to tell buyers to check out the Splash Page since that is where I do all my updates about my store.

Below is the Store Landing page. This will be the first thing a buyer sees when they come to your store. The Splash Page is where I list any special events I have running in my store. Sometimes this isn’t always the first thing buyer sees. A quirk of Bricklink so I remind buyers to check out the Splash Page.

You also can make Featured Groups which are items that are in your store that you want to showcase. I use this from time to time but again selecting it as the first thing a buyer sees may not happen.