I don’t put every lot in an individual bag. I don’t put all the pieces in the same bag. I try to use the least amount of bags. Almost every buyer does expect the New and Used pieces to be bagged separately. Even if a buyer tells me to put it all in the same bag, I still separate New and Used.

I use various sizes of zip bags. I have smaller than this and larger. What ones I use depends on the size of the order and the size of the pieces. Orders can be just all small pieces so get some small bags

I will pack the smaller bags into a larger bag. Sometimes the bags will open during shipment. This will help keep the pieces from roaming around and falling out in case something happens to the bubble mailer.

The larger pieces I will pack into larger bags. These ones I don’t usually put into a larger bag.

Instead, I take all the bags and will wrap them into bubble wrap. Even if I will ship it in a bubble mailer. This keeps the pieces from moving around and getting scratched in shipment. I put these bundles into a bubble mailer. I will print out a label and it will be ready to go to the post office.