New users often have the same questions and don’t alway search the forum to see if it has been asked before. Here are answers to those questions
Do Minifigs Come With Accessories?
No. If the picture doesn’t show something, then it doesn’t come with it. This have been a problem with the Collectible Minifigures. If you want one with the accessories and the stand it is considered a Set. If you buy one in the minifig category, the listing will say Minifigure Only and that is what you get. It can be confusing because sellers will say in their listing that they include accessories. Just don’t expect to get them most of the time since the seller isn’t required to.
What is this piece?
Most pieces either have a 4 or 5 digit number printed on them. With Bricks, plates and tiles it is printed on the bottom of the piece. Other pieces it can be a challenge to find where smaller pieces don’t have anything on them. If you have a smartphone, the iPhone has a magnifier app now. Before it was option in the Accessibility settings. I use this a lot to figure out what a piece is. If it doesn’t have any marking then you can always post a picture in the forum.
Are these LEGO or are these fake?
Just because a piece doesn’t say LEGO doesn’t mean it is fake. Some pieces are too small to have that printed on it. Some older pieces like minifig headgear never had any markings except maybe a number inside. But the new version has LEGO, item number and other numbers. Some pieces have been made for decades so you might get a mix of older and new pieces. If it is marked LEGO it is a real piece. If it just has the copyright mark “©” it is a real piece. If it just has a one digit number it probably is. The biggest way to tell is if the plastic is the same. Most of the clone pieces the plastic is much cheaper. If you have a question about a piece you can post the picture in the forum. Just don’t assume that the seller is trying to pull a fast one.
Why Do I Have To Pay Sales Tax?
Due to the South Dakota v. Wayfair ruling the rules have changed. Before a company had to have a physical presence in the state to charge the tax. Now if the order is coming to your state you are charged a tax. It is a Use Tax rather than a Sales Tax because you are going to use it in your state. This includes ordering form other countries. This is collected by Bricklink and the sellers have no control of it. The sellers don’t make anything extra from this and actually have to pay fees in the entire payment including the tax.
Why Does It Say Seller Doesn’t Ship To Me Or No Shipping Options Available?
With Bricklink collection Sales/Use Tax now can be the reason. The seller has to take accept an Onsite payment method. Stripe or PayPal Onsite both work. This is nothing that the buyer has control over. The seller needs to go and change their payment methods. Now if the seller is in another country they may not want to ship to your country which has nothing to do with the tax.