Under the My Store tab on the top of the page is Orders. This is where all the orders that you receive show up.

The top part of the screen you can search your orders and Select by how. The settings will be mentioned below but right below that is this.

This is a wide screen depending how many things you check in the Settings. The most important is the first being the Order ID. Clicking on that takes you to the Order Details page. The column with the checkmark means it has been invoiced. If you Instant Checkout this will be check always. If you don’t, clicking on the icon will take you to the Invoice page. After the flag is the buyers info that I blocked out. Shipping, Insurance and other things can be auto filled in with Instant Checkout or manually filled in. If you are doing orders manually, make sure you add Shipping costs before sending the Invoice.

The next half of the screen is order total, stars, feedback and tracking number. If you enter the tracking number before sending out the Drive Thru message and you set up that message template up to include the tracking number then the tracking will be in the Drive Thru message. I show how that in the post of Setting Up Your Store: Messages.

From the top of the page if you click on Settings, you will see the above screen. This is what will show up on your Orders page. The defaulted ones can’t be changed but all the one in orange are you can choose. I don’t remember what the original ones are defaulted on but I do remember Tracking Number wasn’t. Nothing that you select here will change anything for your buyers. Their display options are in their settings.