You might be looking for a specific item and a seller says they have it and will reserve it for you. What does it mean and how do you find it? Once an item is reserved for you, no one else can buy it. It is handy to have an item reserved especially if it is rare or sought after and might get bought before you can get to it.

On your My BL page, you will see that there is now a Reserved Items section that isn’t normally there. When you click on it, will take you to the next screen.

This screen lists the stores that have items reserved for you. Shows how many items are reserved for you and if the store has a minimum buy. If you click on the store name you will go to that store.

It will take you directly to the item that is reserved for you. In the upper corner below the cart shows that there is 1 item reserved. If you like the price, you can add it to the cart and go through the checkout process. The item is not automatically added to your cart.

Also on the My BL tab when you hover over it you can see that there is a lot reserved for you. I have reserved items for buyers but as a buyer I have never used it. You might not either but if you do now you can find the item that is reserved for you.