There are lots of reviews out there of recent and current LEGO sets. I am going to review mostly Classic Space. It is going to be hard to pick these up at a store but you can find them on Bricklink or you can build them from scratch. This set came out in 1982 and contains 82 pieces including one yellow minifig. Until this year there were only red and white astronauts but this year was the first for the yellow astronauts.

It has seating for two but only comes with one minifig which is good because there are other astronauts from sets that don’t have much to do. These balloon tires were my favorite from this era. They seemed much more futuristic than the other tires that came from town sets.

Having two steering wheels so that it could be operated in either direction was unique from the other Classic Space vehicles. The articulation arms with a bucket on one side and a jaw on the other so you can dig and pick up.
Exclusive Pieces To Build This Set:

Besides that the old light gray pieces are no longer in modern sets those arm pieces are the hardest to find. Not that they are rare. Some were used in later sets but finding unbroken ones or ones that won’t soon break. I test every one of these pieces before I sell them in my store to see if they are cracked or might be soon. Even then they can just break from age being assembled on the model. The printed pieces were in a lot of the Classic Space sets.
To Build Or Not To Build:
Yes. This one is a must for me for my Classic Space collection. It has interesting pieces and design. First year of the yellow astronaut and it has balloon tires. Can’t go wrong with that. I am a Classic Space collector and have a lot of favorites but not all the sets are great so these review aren’t all going to be a yes.