Buying on Bricklink and other sites, you will end up with lots of zip bags in various sizes. I know that some store their own pieces in bags but I don’t. It seems like a waste to throw them away. I will take them back and reuse them.
I am looking for all zip bags of any size. They must be in good condition. If you got the bag in your order and you think it was too used, then I don’t want it. These might end up back in your order.
I am looking for quantities of least 50 or more. Save up the bags that you receive. More is better.
If you are placing an order, let me know that you have bags. I will send a return label with your order. I will need to know an approximate weight so I can make the label. You can return them in the bubble mailer that your order arrives in. If you aren’t placing an order, you can send them to me at your cost. Either way, I will send a coupon when they arrive.
The coupon is for $5 off anything in my Bricklink store. Why only $5? I can get hundreds from various vendors that don’t even average that amount. This isn’t a way for me to save on supplies but to reuse the ones that are out there. Otherwise yours will get thrown away and I will end up buying more.
Any questions, feel free to contact.